Similar to other health initiatives in Brazil, the Brazilian government, via the State University of Rio de Janeiro, has responded to the vastness of the country and health care disparities by developing an online approach. The UERJ Telehealth Centre, Rio de Janeiro, has adopted the free, open sourced moodle platform for its distance education program and added on a teleconsulting system offering synchronous (live chat) or asynchronous access. The image below shows the reach of the pediatric radiology platform, RADPED.

The WFPI aims to facilitate Mozambique's access to these e-learning platforms. There are also joint WHO-WFPI-Brazil-Mozambique plans to extend the system to a tele-reading platform in support of the Maputo Central Hospital, Mozambique, accompanied by on-site training (CXR – pediatric tuberculosis included, US) as offered in other WFPI outreach projects.