Examples of IDOR celebrations from around the world below.
In Kenya, the Kenya Association of Radiologists (KAR) and the Society of Radiographers in Kenya (SORK) held a joint Radiology Week running from 31st October to 6th November at the Kenyatta National Hospital (image right). A series of
activities were planned including medical camps, discussions on radiation safety using both print and electronic media, a one-day symposium and sensitization walk. The activities were geared towards enhancing the clinicians’ knowledge on the bio-effects of radiation and to increase public awareness on the role of radiation in medicine. Other thematic issues discussed included justification of radiation in medicine, pediatric safety in imaging, optimization of image quality, safety in radiological equipment and facilities, and emergency preparedness in Radiation Medicine. The goal of the Radiology week was to create awareness on the safe use of Radiation, promote use of imaging and therapeutic protocols and reduce inappropriate imaging.
The event culmunlated with the launch of the AFROSAFE Operational Matrix, to be circulated to the rest of Africa:

The Radiology Week was followed by a regional IAEA technical cooperation workshop on “Optimization of Pediatric Imaging”. Held on 9th – 13th November 2015, it included participants from east and southern Africa. Scheduled activities included discussions on BSS, DRL and the pediatric patient, practical demonstrations on how to measure doses in radiography, fluoroscopy and CT, how to perform dose audits and risk communication in pediatric imaging. The goal was for country representatives to develop country action plans for implementation and form a significant spring board to promote both pediatric imaging and child-safety measures for use during radiation-based imaging in the region.
[Submitted by Dr. Gladys Mwango, WFPI Council AfSPI representative]

The Society of Pediatric Imaging in Nigeria (SPIN), in conjunction with the Association of Radiologists in Nigeria (ARIN) South-West zone and the department of Radiology UCH Ibadan, Radiology Nurses, Radiation Oncologists, and Nuclear Therapists hosted 2015 IDOR celebrations in Ibadan, Nigeria.
The celebrations aimed to underscore the role of paediatric imaging and promote the appropriate and safe use of radiation in children.
The week-long activities included:
• Proclamation of IDOR celebration on Wednesday, 4th of November, 2015 at 11am by the Chief Medical Director, University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan.
• TV and Radio Interviews
• Pre-symposium BMI and counseling for children which will run before and during the symposium
• A Symposium on ‘Lifesaving impact of medical imaging and radiation oncology on children's health care in Nigeria’ scheduled on Wednesday 11th of November (for logistics reason), 2015 in the Paul Hendrickse lecture theatre UCH Ibadan at 11am.
Topics and speakers:
a. The role of paediatric imaging in childhood tumours – Dr Biobele Brown, consultant Paediatrician.
b. The role of imaging in new-born care – Dr Abimbola Akindolire, Consultant Neonatologist.
c. The role of Radiation Oncologists in the management of childhood tumours – Dr A. Adenipekun, Consultant Radiation Oncologist.
d. The interplay of paediatric surgery and imaging – Dr. O. Ogundoyin, Consultant Paediatric Surgeon
e. ‘Above all, do no harm’ – Dr Omolola. M. Atalabi, Consultant Paediatric Radiologist
Other activities included quiz competition during the program and cutting of IDOR cake.
The audience was made up invited guests, school children, and members of hospital staff.
We had fun and we celebrated our profession!
[submitted by Dr Omolola Atalabi, President, SPIN and 2015 IDOR LOC, Chairperson]
The celebrations in UHC Ibadan, South West Nigeria

Cutting the IDoR cake!

For IDoR 2015, the South African Society of Paediatric Radiology (SASPI) focused on Education in Paediatric Imaging and planned many activities to commemorate the event.
In collaboration with SASPI, the South African Journal of Radiology published a special issue dedicated to paediatric imaging. It received an overwhelming response from our local and international colleagues keen to contribute; the publication became available in November 2015.
The second major SASPI activity planned for IDOR was a series of paediatric imaging educational webinars in collaboration with the Radiological Society of South Africa and the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). SEE HERE
[SASPI would like to seize this opportunity to thank the members of the WFPI for their assistance in the review of the publications for the special issue SAJR as well as to Professor Kassa Darge in initiating and arranging the webinars from CHOP.]
As an additional IDoR activity incentive, SASPI offered a prize of R5,000 to the department with the most creative activity promoting education in Paediatric radiology. SEE BELOW
SASPI's goal to broaden education and strive for excellence in paediatric imaging will result in the next SASPI/ RSSA paed imaging congress to be held at the Spier estate from November 6th-8th 2016. SASPI has an esteemed panel of local and international speakers and in its efforts to promote safe imaging it will also include special sessions that will be dedicated to Image Gently and radiation protection in children.
[Submitted by Jaishree Naidoo, President SASPI, Vice Secretary WFPI Council]
The prize of R5000 for the 2015 SASPI IDoR Competition is awarded to the Mitchells Plain Department of Radiology who embarked on a fantastic campaign to raise awareness amongst patients, caregivers and hospital staff, and to promote radiation protection. See their educational pamphlets (attached) and view their presentation at this link:
We congratulate our winners and thank all contributing departments for their entries. It was an extremely tough decision to make! Ultimately, the entries were judged on originality, promotion of paediatric imaging education and radiation safety.
The runner-up was the University of Stellenbosch (Tygerberg) Department of Radiology, who's registrar body organised a departmental family fun walk / run. Flyers and banners were printed, kids painted their faces and hands (to correspond with the logo) and a light brunch was enjoyed by all afterwards. It looked like great fun! See their impressive video on YouTube:
The competition entries were as follows:
1. University of Stellenbosch (Tygerberg) Dept of Radiology - Fun Run / Walk video:
2. Mitchell's Plain Dept of Radiology - Pamphlets (in dropbox file here) and PowerPoint presentation:
3. Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital Dept of Radiology - Photo collages (examples below and in dropbox here)
4. Baragwaneth Hospital Dept of Radiology - Campaign (see dropbox here)
5. Wits (combined CMJAH and Bara) - Radiation protection video - Wits Paediatric radiology video.mp4
6. Jena University Hospital, Germany Dept of Radiology - Document (see dropbox here) and YouTube videos: (Presentation of the pediatric radiologic department) (Contrast-enhanced voiding urosonography) (MRI compatible incubator)
Photos from South Africa as IDoR celebrations rolled out

The Uganda Society for Advancement of Radiology and Imaging (USOFARI) organized a professional annual conference for all radiation users and imaging personnel including radiologists, radiographers, and medical physicists, sonographers, imaging technologists, radiotherapists and equipment suppliers on the 7-8th November 2015 (pre-conference workshop on the 6th). The theme of the conference:'Paediatric Imaging’. Clinicians from non-imaging specialties attended.
Seizing the IDoR moment, the organizers launched the AFROSAFE Ugandan Chapter
- To indicate gaps in current approaches to radiation protection during paediatric imaging.
- To identify tools, imaging protocols and techniques to optimize radiation protection during Paediatric CT examination in keeping with current recommended standards.
- To discuss role of other imaging modalities like ultrasound and MRI in optimizing radiation during Paediatric imaging.
- To discuss Paediatric diagnostic imaging and justification.
- To discuss dose optimization in pediatric intervention radiology
- To emphasize on appropriateness, justification and clinical imaging guidelines for Paediatric imaging.
- To discuss appropriateness of clinical imaging involving NM and non-ionizing radiation procedures.
- To outline possible medical radiation accidents and incidents during pediatric imaging.
- To discuss safety, education and training for pediatric imaging.
- To understand the patients’ viewpoint on safety and protection during radiology
Guest Speakers
Prof. Kimberly Applegate IAEA
Dr. Maria Del Rosario Perez WHO
Dr. Nittita Prasopa-Plaizier WHO
Prof. John Scheel University of Washington
[Submitted by Dr. Gladys Mwango, WFPI Council AfSPI representative]

Radiologists from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center hosted an IDoR 2015 ‘Grand Rounds’ session on the popular medical image sharing platform Figure 1, at 8pm EST on November 8. They posted some of their most compelling radiology cases on the app every 10 minutes over the course of an hour. They also co-hosted a tweet chat on the future of pediatric radiology immediately afterwards.
Activities included:
- A poster contest by department with posters by each section posted throughout the hospital during the tech week
- Special Grand Rounds celebrating IDoR for the hospital with CME
- On Nov 5th the mayor of Washington DC signed an IDoR proclamation and the Council adopting a resolution recognizing the International Day of Radiology.