The national pediatric radiology one-day course was carried out on Saturday December 14th in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia under the auspices of the WFPI. The course was a joint effort of the Radiological Society of Ethiopia and the CHOP Pediatric Radiology International Outreach Program. It received financial support from the Ethiopian Medical Association, the Department of Radiology of CHOP, the Global Health Center of CHOP and 3 other institutions in the USA through the honorarium Prof. Kassa Darge was able to generate as an invited professor.
The venue was an excellent
downtown hotel and the course was well attended by most of the country's radiologists and some pediatricians and pediatric surgeons. There were over 80 participants. The 3 faculty members included Dr. Janet Reid, Dr. Sabah Servaes and Prof. Kassa Darge. They gave a total of 13 lectures. In addition, one of Prof. Darge's fellows had prepared some pediatric radiology unknown cases. Over half of the attendees submitted their diagnoses to these cases and one won the prize. The best part of the meeting was the very active participation of the audience with many questions and comments after each lecture. The feedback from the participants was overwhelmingly positive and many stated that the topics discussed were highly relevant to their daily practice.
The course will be repeated in August 2014.