See our TB Corner for Savvas' 7 Minute Snippets, interpretation of front and lateral CXRs for pediatric TB, Bernard Laya's Childhood TB lecture and other Childhood TB literature
Both Savvas' Snippets and Bernard Laya's lecture are included in the new, open access, online education module on "Imaging of Tuberculosis" produced by the International Society of Radiology’s International Commission on Radiology Education (ICRE) and its Imaging of Tuberculosis Steering Committee, chaired by Dr. Eric Stern.
The Steering Committee includes representatives of the Japanese Society of Thoracic Radiology, the Fleischner Society, the Korean Society of Thoracic Radiology, the Russian Society of Thoracic Radiology, the South African Society of Radiology, the World Federation of Pediatric Imaging and the European Society of Radiology.

Out of the Dark; meeting the needs of children with TB: Médecins Sans Frontières, Access Campaign, 2011
UPDATE, Out of the Dark; meeting the needs of children with TB: Médecins Sans Frontières, Access Campaign, 2012
New imaging approaches for improving diagnosis of childhood tuberculosis: S. Bélard, S. Andronikou, T. Pillay, M. Grobusch, H. Zar, South African Medical Journal, March 2014
See WFPI's TB Corner for more
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