
WFPI offers second opinions via tele-reading platforms developed by

  See here for details on Collegium Telemedicus


For its early work with IGICH, Bangalore, India, WFPI partnered with SUSTSOL




The WFPI only gives advice via its tele-reporting work. We offer medical colleagues working at the patient's bedside an opinion which he/she can use (or not) as he/she thinks fit. The legal responsibility for the patient remains with the onsite colleague. 


Web Mastery


Sanjay Prabhu

Telecomms Advisor

Erich Sorantin

A virtual world


Our telecommunications and net-based development are structured and led by the WFPI's Webmaster and Telecommunications Advisor


Caution: Google (machine translation) is an imperfect art.
It is provided here as a service to our many colleagues worldwide.